Co Curricular Activities (CCA)
Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)

Character and Confidence Actualisation
To implement a well-structured co-curricular programme which encourages mass participation in Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) as well as discover and develop talents.
CCAs are an integral part of the holistic development and learning experiences for our students. It allows them to discover their interests and talents; and develop CCA-specific knowledge, skills and values. Through authentic and experiential learning, CCAs provide excellent platforms for the development of values, social-emotional (SE) competencies and 21st Century Competencies (21CC).
At TKPS, we have 18 CCAs which are forward-looking and caters to the varied needs and interests of our students.
With our diverse yet balanced offering of 4 Physical Sports (PS), 3 Uniformed Groups (UG), 7 Visual and Performing Arts (VPA), and 4 Clubs And Societies (CS) CCA options, students will get to discover their passion, build friendships, cultivate leadership skills and acquire values such as teamwork and resilience in a vibrant environment.
Basketball |
Art and Crafts |
Debating and Public Speaking |
Brownies |
Bowling |
Choir |
Environment al Club |
Red Cross Youth |
Football |
Guzheng Ensemble |
Robotics |
Scouts |
Wushu |
Lion & Dragon Dance |
Strategy Games Club |
Chinese Dance |
Indian Dance |
Malay Dance |
CCAs@TKPS Policy
All P3 to P6 students will have a CCA.
We believe that sufficient time and space is needed in order of students to develop the skills and competencies related to the CCA. The students will remain in their CCAs for the duration of their primary school years from Primary 4 to build the essential skills and competencies.
CCAs are conducted within the curriculum time on Wednesdays, 7.45 a.m. to 9.15 a.m. Additional CCA trainings for selected CCAs will take place on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays, 4.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Teachers-in-charge of these CCAs will contact the parent(s)/guardian directly to inform them of the details.
Students who demonstrate excellence in CCA are eligible to be nominated for leadership positions, as well as the Edusave Awards for Achievement, Good Leadership and Service (EAGLES), provided they satisfy the eligibility criteria.
CCAs@TKPS Workflow for Recruitment/Transfer
The recruitment of CCA members will be opened to the 2025 Primary 3 cohort and a transfer exercise will be opened to the 2025 Primary 4 cohort in Term 1 2025.
Students will indicate their top three CCA choices in rank order. If there is no choice/single choice exercised, the school will then make the final decision in allocating a CCA.
There are membership caps for selected CCAs. Students who apply for these CCAs will need to fulfill the conditions in order to be considered for final selection.