Debating and Public Speaking
Debating and Public Speaking
Introduction of CCA
The Debating and Public speaking CCA provides members with the knowledge, skills and values through various oratorical and debating activities.
Members will be trained in a wide range of debate topics, techniques and formats. As they progress, they will improve in their presentation skills as they learn to think clearly under pressure, analyse complex arguments and speak with confidence. It will also open their minds to different points of views and fosters a critical understanding of current affairs and social issues. Teamwork is an important part of the CCA and members will need to interact and collaborate with each other to achieve a consistent case throughout the debate.
Public Speaking
In Public Speaking, members will develop confidence and oral communication skills, as well as voice mastery, gestures and facial expressions. They will be taught how to prepare speeches and convey their ideas to an audience. Members will be given opportunities to showcase their skills that they have learnt through the various school events and external opportunities.